
Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.

Some work may only be shown and/or discussed in a private setting. Sensitive information will be censored or omitted entirely. This includes the interface design for a vehicle and charging monitoring platform to be released late 2023.

Presentation Decks

Marketing Collateral

Social Media

Icons & Illustrations

Trade Show Exhibitions



Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.


Current Style Guide & Brand Messaging

"WAVE enables successful commercial EV adoption by making high-power charging fast, safe and convenient. Powered by Ideanomics, WAVE is shaping the future of clean mobility around the world. Hands-free, with no moving parts, WAVE delivers fast, safe, high-power charging within seconds of scheduled stops and natural dwell times. Medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles gain substantial range and operation time without manual plug-in operations or mechanical contact. WAVE’s high-power systems are ideal for powering electric vehicles for mass transit, warehouse and distribution centers, shuttle services, seaports, and more."

– WAVE by Ideanomics

Branding Option 01


In color theory, the color blue represents imagination, open spaces, inspiration, intuition and freedom. In many ways, these characteristics are the basis of WAVE wireless charging's mission. The palette is eye catching, modern, bold and favorable to the eye while remaining true to the brand's products and vision.


As a brand, WAVE speaks to the futuristic & hopeful user looking forward to a sustainable and environmentally friendly society. It is a new way of charging, but represents the uncomplicated nature of this type of product for the general user. Once installed, your electric vehicles can idle and fill up without the tangle of cords and lengthy charging time. It flows which is why the marketing mimics this in its collateral. WAVE hopes to showcase an aesthetically pleasing design system whether it be through social, business cards, one-pagers or graphics.

Patterns & Illustrations

These Patterns were designed to elicit a charged and wave-like style. Some are gridded to mimic infrastructure, while others flow to resembles various representations of energy waves. WAVE represents the new dawn that has arrived for wireless charging technologies in the electric vehicles industry.

Online Presence

Below we get to see the brand assets in action in a digital space. The chosen platforms for this representation are LinkedIn and Twitter where much of the company communications go out to its audience.



Branding Option 02


The palette below is a bit more playful compared to the blue variation above. A neon green was added as an accent color and portrays a charged energy. This color sparks excitement and breaks up a similar color palette. In color theory, green symbolizes growth, new beginnings, abundance and is closely tied with nature.


Inspired by Bauhaus design, an artistic movement from the 20th century in Germany, the elements are classic and geometric. The focus is on the content, imagery, color and basic forms. The intention is to allow the message and product shine through, while using the design elements as a backbone.

Patterns & Illustrations

As mentioned above, the Bauhaus movement serves as the main inspiration for the illustrative style. Geometric forms build upon one another to resemble the rectangular form of the WAVE wireless charging pads and how they release charge to the vehicles paired with this new product technology.

Online Presence

Below we get to see the brand assets in action in a digital space. The chosen platforms for this representation are LinkedIn and Twitter where much of the company communications go out to its audience.




The typography options were selected based off the modern energy of sans serif typefaces. While the WAVE word mark stayed the same, the "Charging" tagline was proposed in three typefaces– Arial Black, Archivo Black and Paytone One. Each conveyed similar energies, while offering subtle differences in style and uniqueness.

Notable Mentions

The options below were early iterations of what the brand identity could look like, and served as the building blocks for the final two options above.


Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.


Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.

Saoirling is a combination of two Irish words– Saoirse meaning "freedom" and Aisling meaning "dream" or "vision". It is remnant of a vibrant summer afternoon where one can hear bees buzzing, grasshoppers chirping and observe a lady bug sighting, just for luck. Tying it all together, there's an aura of elegance and whimsey that when paired with aromatics of the products, create a fulfilling customer experience. Saoirling is a brand after the young at heart who crave sustainability and overall wellness.


Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.

My first camera was a Canon Rebel that my mother gifted me when I was a sophomore in high school. I would spend my evenings after school driving around my hometown with friends photographing them in clothing I styled for them. I did this for no other audience than my social circle, and for no other reason than that it brought me immense joy. I have always carried a camera with me since then, either digital or film, to capture the moments I both witnessed and curated. Below you will find a small selection of images that capture my life experiences, editing style and individual eye for composition.


Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.

Project Summary

I was consulted because there was a need to develop a digital tool for warehouse owners and operators in Southern California. These users were going to be financially impacted by the 2022 implementation of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Warehouse Actions and Investments to Reduce Emissions (WAIRE) program & Rule 2305. This project was developed to help mitigate those fees from diesel truck trips and assist with reducing annual emissions by way of transitioning to commercial electric vehicles and charging.


Warehouse owners and operators in Southern California were going to be significantly impacted financially by the 2022 implementation of SCAQMD WAIRE program & Rule 2305.

This rule would begin to charge warehouse owners and operators a fee for the amount of truck trips their commercial diesel fleets would take. This effort was created by the state of California as an environmental initiative to help offset emissions created from fleets.

Our Solution:

Design a calculating process that would help warehouse owners and operators learn how much money they could anticipate being responsible for paying to the state based on data required to report: existing equipment, estimated travel trips for each vehicle and individual warehouse size.

Once they had their estimates, we learned that users desired a way to help offset these fees. As a company that specializes in electrification of commercial fleets, I was tasked with designing a personalized user dashboard where users could create scenarios of electric chargers and vehicles we provided which they could purchase. From this they could see just how much they could save compared to their expected annual WAIRE fee. Our hope was to transform an arduous and stressful user journey into a succinct and helpful guide towards a more sustainable alternative of electrical vehicles and chargers.

UX Research Methods

For this project we used a series of user experience research methods.

Our first step was to set up interviews with our C-suite stakeholders to understand what was anticipated from our team, narrow in on the success metrics we needed to meet and acquire overall approval for and throughout the process. We also conducted interviews with a selection of potential users in the industry to learn about their pain points and desires for a tool that could help them with their problems pertaining to this new WAIRE rule.

From this we were able to validate personas for our users: warehouse owners and operators. This included their demographic information, pain points, wants, needs, programs they used, warehouse information, a summary of their working process and experience in the industry.

Then we worked on task analysis. This was done by creating journey maps for the user through our lead generating calculations process, after which we created user journey maps throughout the dashboard design. Our team also collaborated on creating a site map for the WareSmart website. This included the following: Landing page with calculating tool, About WAIRE Program page, About WareSmart page, FAQ page and a Contact Us page.

During this time I was also creating wireframes and prototypes of both the website and user dashboard for stakeholder review and usability testing. Working closely with our small team of developers in the United Kingdom, we created a digital tool based on these methods that were ready for user feedback. This gave us the closing notes on what could be improved before official launch.

The Breakthrough:

The main takeaway we learned during user feedback was that our survey process felt too long. This led users to drop off without completing the process or having their original needs me. With this insight, I rapidly redesigned our website landing page to create a quick calculating tool to base the fee estimations off of for the "Casual User". With a sliding scale tool, this user group could learn a loose estimation on what their WAIRE fees would be.

If the "Casual User" wanted a more detailed understanding, then they would be considered an "Intrigued User" and could complete the survey. The survey results would reveal data visualizations and explanations of their fee expectations.

From there, the "Intrigued User" could become the "Invested User" and create a profile that led to their personalized dashboard. It is at this point they could monitor their fees, fleets and create electrification scenarios.

Sliding Scale Design for the "Casual User"

This is the journey for the "Casual User" who is really just curious about learning about the WAIRE fees and want to put in minimal effort to find it out. I designed a sliding scale that uses calculations based on the warehouse size and SCAQMD fees to determine the rough estimate. This is found at the top of the website since it is of top priority to any entry-level users. This can be the end of the "Casual User" journey, or they can follow the prompts to take our survey or contact an expert of ours to learn more.

User Survey Design for the "Intrigued User"

Once the now "Intrigued User" lands on the survey page from any of the prompts we've placed throughout the website and email campaigns, they proceed through two pages of questions. The first page contains a quick guide to the process with step by step instructions. The user is then prompted to enter general contact and warehouse information.

The second page is a more detailed examination on their estimated truck trips mileage and existing equipment– both are metrics the SCAQMD uses to charges fees.

The final page of the survey is the results page. This includes a detailed view of their specific fee understanding via a graph, a brief description of the WareSmart dashboard tool and a sample scenario which users can create in their dashboard if they're interested in switching to electric vehicles and charging units.

Once the survey is submitted the user is officially registered for a personalized profile based on the data they've entered so far, sent a conformation email with temporary login credentials and prompted to the login page to take the next step in their journey.

Dashboard Design for the "Invested User"

During this project, I was the only UI designer on our team that was also on board as a UX researcher and process consultant. This meant I needed to prioritize working effectively across design states (personas, journey maps, low fidelity wireframes, high fidelity wireframes, design guidelines) and team collaboration with stakeholders and developers (feedback and prototyping). I primarily used Figma for this. Using this platform, our stakeholders and developers in the Ukraine and UK were able to leave comments and view each page for their process. This was how I walked them through designs during our weekly internal meetings.

High-fidelity wireframes were organized by flow and interaction states. Additionally, any pop ups and data entry fields were designed clearly and walked through with the team.

Scenario Planner

The Scenario Planner is an advanced digital tool within the WareSmart dashboard in which the "Invested User" can view their multi-year fee projections (based on their equipment and truck trip miles), view fleet electrification scenario actions to learn how much money they could save annually and recommendations on commercial electric vehicles and chargers packaged and individual products from our partner list of industry leading vendors.

WareSmart Website

The website includes the following: Landing page with calculating tool, About WAIRE Program page, About WareSmart page, FAQ page and a Contact Us page.

Print Design

These designs were used for both digital newsletters and printed for in-person industry events and consultations.

Social Ads

Presentation Design

Finally, I designed a PowerPoint presentation deck that was used for both internal and external purposes by our sales people and leadership team members.


Sarah Kat Carroll


Location Scouting



Photography Portfolio

A collection of photographs from diverse locations and experiences.




Language Learning Mobile App

Restaurant Inventory Management

Moroccan Restaurant Menu Design

Gallery Artist Showcase Cards

Culture Based Pattern Design